6 Sept 2014

How corrupt is the law in the UK?

RE Anne Lehane, Slctr R.B.K.C
Feb. 14th  2011

x 4 attachments

Dear Madam /Sir

Further to my requests for time-limits [] and your code-of practice: 

Mss Lehane knowingly submitted false evidence in court to Judge Moorehouse during care proceedings.
She also omitted to inform the judge that by law, despite my being disabled (also with severe back problem (still) and grieving my mother, dead in the February of that year)  that my son nor I had no care plan despite a care-pan assessment in the April of 2001, Lettie Bluthe and Anne-Marie Wilson were the social workers. She ommited the fact I had complained to Jane Dykins of GBH by the SSD due to cosntant hrassments, lies and threats, denied in court.  The law then stated that care-pans should be implemented within 40 days. 

Anne Lehane had had access to previous records (Matrimonial proceedings ending in March 1999, Kingston + Wandsworth Courts, Judge Walker Smith ++) Case Ref 92D 1089- 

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