3 Sept 2014

Free Insulation for ALL homes in the UK we MUST come tomorrow she said - but NOT from the Energy Savings Trust? (Thanks S)

Well well. The council are up to its old stalky tricks still. Had a call from a breathy sounding bossy chick today 'we have to do ALL homes, it's part of the agreement, every house in the UK will be done - etc and blah - but - I spoke to the delightful Energy Savings Trust tonight and they've been kept very much in the dark over this. They also explained how it could 'only can be a council contract' so I suspect Cockell and co are at it again. Leave off dears, there are more important things to do, like tell me where my son is and if he is safe? Why oh why are you too stupid to understand? Your mother's must have been evil battleaxes is all I can think

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