27 Aug 2014

It's not Asian - It's MUSLIMS - I agree with Norman Scarth on this

Norman Scarth writes:

To Helen Pidd, Northern Editor of The Guardian.

'A half-truth is a whole lie' says the proverb.
'A truth told with false intention beats all the lies man can invent' said William Blake. 

Dear Helen Pidd,
Having seen your story about Child Sexual Abuse in Rotherham, I am disgusted to see that the lies (as above), the cover-up, & the weasel words continue! 
Bad enough if it were only Rotherham, but as you are well aware, it goes much, MUCH wider. 
When these crimes belatedly began to come to light, there was no mention of the ethnic origins of the perpetrators.  Then, grudgingly, the so-called 'News Media', began to tell us they were 'Asians'.  Grudgingly again, government, councillors, MPs, 'investigators' & the 'News Media' have progressed to 'of Pakistani origin'.
The REAL truth, & the vitally important part of this depraved criminality is that they were MUSLIMS! 
Why are you so determined to avoid that most important FACT?   
Younger people may not know that your paper had its origin as the 'MANCHESTER Guardian'.  Seems that in travelling South & losing the 'Manchester' of its original title, 'The Guardian' also lost the respect it once had for the dictum of its illustrious & long-time editor, C P Scott, "Facts are sacred, opinion is free"   What a tragedy!
Norman Scarth.
PS:  I ask 'Why are you so determined to avoid that fact?'  The question was not to you personally.  As we know, even if you dared to use the word, the subs are under orders to change it.   NS.

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