Showing posts with label foia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foia. Show all posts

25 Oct 2014

RBKC dodging serious questions - we'll see

Mother 4 Justice - Elizabeth Robillard blogs and shares truth and information


St.Charles Hospital (North kensington)  and RBKC


Dear Sir/Madam

1. Please provide me with details of any psychiatrists contracted
to/working with any RBKC employees or departments currently and
/within the last two years

2 .Please provide details of contracts RBKC are involved with, at any
level, regarding the hospital and RBKC (any department, any level

3. Please respond to two previous requests that are outstanding.
regarding senior employees

Thank you

Yours sincerely

7 Oct 2014

RBKC Clare Walker - FOIA

Just left a message asking for assistance regarding non receipt and non response regarding FOIA requests of late - what is going on with RBKC not declaring their financial interests? Is that a whiff of cover up - surely not corruption? Wonder if Stella B will finally put her CV and interests online as per the law?

19 Sept 2014

BBC FOIA REQ sent to ICO in response to theirs of the other day

Mother 4 Justice - Elizabeth Robillard blogs and shares truth and information

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BBC  charities and subsidies, potential
corruption/perjury/misfeasance/misconduct enquiry

Dear ICO

Good afternoon.

Please will you provide me with the following information? This is a FOIA

1. Who,names please are/is responsible for payments to 'BBC Media Action' ?

2. When was the decision made to make BBC Media Action not accountable to
the law?

3. Does the BBC have a list of its investments that are available to the
public if not, may we have a reason given for that please?


Yours sincerely

Elizabeth Lucye Robillard
sw5 9ba

17 Sept 2014

Whiff of stasi from the BBC - again * Final response* = freakshow bollix, frankly

British Broadcasting Corporation Room BC2 B6 Broadcast Centre White City Wood Lane London W12 7TP

Telephone 020 8008 2882 Email

Information Policy & Compliance

Ms Elizabeth Lucye Robillard
Via email


Dear Ms Robillard,

Freedom of Information request ­ [RFI20141412]

Thank you for your request to the BBC of 01/09/2014, seeking the following information under the
Freedom of Information Act (`the Act') 2000:

`Who was responsible for editing and publishing for the BBC Action community site
from 2006 to it's closure?'

The information you have requested is excluded from the Act. This is because our subsidiaries
(including BBC Studios & Post Production Ltd, UKTV, BBC Global News Ltd and BBC Worldwide
Ltd), as well as the charities BBC Media Action and BBC Children in Need, are not subject to the
Freedom of Information Act, pursuant to 6(1)(b)(ii) of the Act. The BBC is therefore not obliged to
provide this information to you and will not be doing so on this occasion.

That said, the BBC makes a huge range of information available about our programmes and content
on We also proactively publish information covered by the Act on our publication
scheme and regularly handle requests for information under the Act.

Appeal Rights

The BBC does not offer an internal review when the information requested is not covered by the
Act. If you disagree with our decision you can appeal to the Information Commissioner. Contact
details are: Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire,
SK9 5AF telephone 01625 545 700.

Please note that should the Information Commissioner's Office decide that the Act does cover this
information, exemptions under the Act might then apply.

Yours sincerely,

The Information Policy & Compliance Team

BBC Freedom of Information
BC2B6, Broadcast Centre
201 Wood Lane
London W12 7TP


10 Sept 2014

Information depends on 'memory' in RBKC?

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Sept. 10th 2014

Dear Mr.Yu

Thanks. Surely your legal department would hold copies? Five years ago is
recent (depending on your priorities) If not - for the sake of clarity and
probity - please use this email as a FOIA request and be kind enough please
to provide me with details of payments to charities from RBKC within the
last 10 years

Yours sincerely

E. Lucye Robillard
sw5 9ba

On 10 September 2014 13:12, <> wrote:

>  Dear Ms. Robillard,
> That was our final response. I can=E2=80=99t comment further as it was 5 =
years ago
> so I can=E2=80=99t remember what discussions we had and all emails in rel=
ation to
> the request have been deleted.

Kensington not adhering to its duties - this FOIA request remains unanswered - since 2009 - a reminder for the sake of probity for RBKC

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Sept 10th 2014

Dear Mr.Yu [ed.foia officer]

Sorry to disturb you but the following FOIA req from 
2009 has still not been answered, is there a good reason for this? 

I think it looks poor for RBKC not to have it answered.

Thanks (from )

From: Liz R (Account suspended)

9 December 2009

Dear Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea,

1.How many charities/NGO'S (within RBKC) Does RBKC/the government

2.How many are not subsidised by RB KC/The government and what are
the names of those charities (non-subsidised)

3.How many charities/NGO's have had to close
since January 7th 1997 and December 8th 2009 and what are the names
of those charities (one we believe was Kensington and Chelsea
Advocacy Alliance or KCAA, (Please clarify))

4. How many non-subsidised charities also have
RBKC employees assisting them in some way? (Full of Life and RBKC
employee counsellor Roz/Ros comes to mind)

5. How much was spent in total on charitable subsidies by RBKC
between January 1 1997 and December 9th 2009 and what are the names
of the charities?

6. Please provide a breakdown of each charities' financial benefit
from RBKC subsidies PA since January 1st 2001 to December 9th 2009

Yours sincerely

Liz R