From: Liz R (Account suspended)
16 May 2011
Dear Ministry of Justice,
Please willyou be kind enough to poit me in a direction where I can
access justice in regard to the content herein as follows? It is in
email format dated 2006, the circumstances are worse (attachments
on request)
Dear Miss Downes [HM Courts] & Sir Rifkind,
please file the letter (below this) and attachments - I do not have
email addresses for Harris Temperley or CAFCASS.
I am requesting a public inquiry,
Dear Malcolm Rifkind,
I am writing to request you call for a public inquiry into the care
order that affects my son, Jamie Jones, and myself.
It's been a campaign of hate and cover-ups, conspiracy to pervert
justice, and as Mr.Simon Tyler (a friend and director of [mencap]
Equal People KC ) said to me 'it is [case against me] completely
This case against myself has been brought, in my belief, to
cover-up peadophilic crimes against my son, whom is mute and
vulnerable, and I am continued to be villified due to the criminal
withlding of information, conspiracy and perjury of social workers
and CAFCASS involved. READ MORE