6 Sept 2014

Male suicides STILL increasing - RBKC has a terrible record compared to other places according to OS - psychiatry truly sucks in this area

Sent: 03 March 2006 12:04
To: brooks@braintreeconservatives.co.uk
Subject: URGENT: Suicide FAO MP/PA MP

Dear Brooks Newmark


as you are an MP I have to draw this matter to you *urgently* as it is
of concern to all English men.

According to your Home Office statistics in 2004;
On average, approx. 2,000 men commit suicide every year-2,000 more than
women, this was put to you by a group in 2004 (we have kept records) -
please inform me as a matter of *extreme urgency* (life and death?)
how many of these suicides were/are estranged fathers (been through
family court/local authority (family) procedures/in any way notably
'fathers/parents/male carers'?

The information is *not available* from the usual government sources and
as a person, I am deeply concerned
and seek and please request a public inquiry as to why 2,000 more men
that women take their lives in this country
each year?

I would appreciate answers from relevant sources to quote from and
distribute-many thanks & for your patience and courtesy in advance,

Yours sincerely,


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