6 Sept 2014

Charlie Higson also pisses me off - but I like him

*thanks to the pups for the pic
I love comedians and especially talented ones who can write. Charlie Higson is one of two I can actually  tolerate reading. If you haven't read him yet, I recommend starting with 'Getting Rid of Mr.Kitchen' a brilliant borderline parody of the superiifical life of a typical bastard in 80's London (I met that guy! He had a little mountain of coke on top of his piano in Chelsea, next to the large stash of Valium (blue ones))  It had me crying with joy by page two, really good pain.  The vomity bits seemed a bit excessive (I am emetophobe) but I winced through it anyway. Frankie Boyle is obviously the other writer who needs no introduction. Anyone who doesn't like them suffers insight-phobia.  We hate that around here. Kick them hard!
You can hear Charlie interviewed by Steve Allen  (getting better all the time) here.
The thing that upsets me with these great blokes though, is they suggest, quite a lot, that people should overcome traumas, complex, diabolical abuses, even ON GOING ones - that have not had the justice they need. They suggest people who are ill with trauma, are either stupid, ignorant or immature. Naive in some way. Lacking insight. No. Ask any soldier who has suffered prolonged exposure to torture or any person who has suffered years of abuse. You can't just turn it off. You can't just patronise someone out of PTSD. You can hoverer, learn about it. Ask any ex service person suffering PTSD. They will tell you that 1. Their experience is unique 2. We don't know everything about the world. Ask Socrates about that one darling. Meantime - help? My son is with an authentic, murdering, stalking, raping psycho, he is at grave risk now (no matter what you think you know)  I have been abused, exploited, lied about and stalked relentlessly (jealous bitches have hindered us also) We need support, not some amateur shrinkage - I really am a well trained Skinnerian behaviourist and all I claim to be- but love  and gratitude to your sweet hearts for the laughter and for suggesting people write. Writing helps a great deal but sometimes, other people are needed too. I've done all I can by myself and UKIP seem to be doing the rest. My son needs his mum, please help us. It's very scary to be us. I am begging you to help us. Please. I am currently unable to secure the services of a solicitor. I am trying constantly to get support.My phone has been hacked and I have stalkers. I am not paranoid nor schizophrenic (my brother had acid psychosis) Thanks. Liz Robillard

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