3 Sept 2014

Baroness Turner of Camden & The Bible

Attn: Baroness Turner of Camden
House of Lords
Wednesday 3 September 2014
Elizabeth Lucye Robillard
Dear Lady Turner of Camden,

Hope this finds you well.

I've had a few problems (!) with stalking and been termed 'fallen angel' that has hurt me quite a bit.

Wonder if you'd be so kind as to write to the necessary people to get the present wording of The Bible changed? I claim insight!

It's about the origin of the name/word 'Lucifer' and I've been stalked due
to being 'the holy grail' or surname of 'Lucye and Robillard' both ancient Plantagenet names. Both parents were descended from god apparently.

I am a humanist agnostic into science, have pulled off a couple of miracles but water is still water, haven't mastered walking on it yet.

My blog (got a few) is at http://mother-4-justice.blogspot.cz

Yours sincerely,

Elizabeth Lucye Robillard Dip.Nutri & Behaviourism

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