18 Aug 2014

MMR - Autism and Simon Murch - more to come

''MMR AND AUTISM IN THE UK, this is part of our HORROR Simon Murch diagnosed my son with 'LNH 3' at the Royal Free in July 2000.

He had informed me, after much debate in emails and over the 'phone, that my son could die of various things 'kids like him can die young with twisted colons and it's a common event, you must save his life, we could give him medicine to prevent his death' he said. Post invasive procedures, a GA, endoscopy, colonoscopy and prescribing Vancomycin and a Gluten Free Diet, we discovered in my sons' medical record later, that tests performed and signed by Murch, prior to the procedures he carried out, proved my son had no infections or disease at all, that is clear from the medical records. He is reported to GMC and police. The family courts and RBKC local authority did nothing about this. My son is now 'an adult' and I am at liberty to discuss this without facing prison, as far as I know, which was the case when my son was a minor, I was unable to discuss this.
Murch needs to explain or be struck off, he has caused my son and I years of hell, my son removed from me months after this procedure- and his next door neighbour then, a Dr.O'Brien, caused ME to be very ill with inccorrect prescribing, I'd like a public inquiry and reveal the truth behind abuses of these professionals. I attach a handwritten note from my sister, who confirms all this (she was present at the Royal Free when I was too ill to attend) Thank you

Yours sincerely

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