Garden and neighbourhood -NOTICE BEFORE ACTION
Leave myself and my son alone this year please, or we'll take legal
action to keep you away - I do not know you Anne, I spoke to you at
length one time when I moved here 13- years ago- when you showed me
Sarahs room, since then I have been accused of being a liar by her and
attacked for no reason - you are obviously being fed malicious gossip
and you need to understand whatever has happened here it continues to be
NONE of your business, but I wont be attacked by you or your daughter
or ANYONE in any capacity without taking full on action - so now the
weather is better- I expect you to keep away from me and mine or I will
not ask you again nicely, to mind your own business please and stop your
hate- I DONT know you, I've done NOTHING to hurt you, if you think I
have, see a psychiatrist, I have a friend who is one and may be able to
help you, if you write you can have her details, meantime, now STAY AWAY
FROM ME AND MY FAMILY and stop lying about us please and I will not
take drastic legal action, if you so much as whisper about me
maliciously again, you will hear from lawyers that is all -PLEASE do not
say you were not warned- I want to go about my business in peace -
shame on your for feeding little Maia your bitter hatred- I looked after
her many times when you were not there and your husband (sorry about
his loss) was sleeping - I enjoyed her company- what a horrible thing to
do to fill her head with poison- if you or your daughter/grandaughter
see me look the other way and do not speak to me please, you have
attacked me too bloody often for us to not take full on action against
you to stop this harassment - you could spend your time better than
attacking innocent people, you've been a serial gossiping bully Anne,
My patience here is ended. Hear me.
You owe me a BIG apology but I won't hold my breath.
Just leave us alone or face the consequence, I am not taking it anymore.
I/my family will use the garden and you will leave me/us alone there as
I Hope this is understood NOW - if you want trouble, then you will have
trouble. If you want a nice atmosphere, then leave us alone. Easy.
I am a peaceful GOOD person and do not tolerate CRAP like this anymore.
Liz, Who has an extremely busy life thanks, write to me if you have any
problems understanding this but do not speak to me or I could lose it
totally- OK- I am human too- I have a temper and a breaking point and
you have pushed me WAY too far lady- stop it now, thanks.