13 Aug 2014

Care Homes UK - 'Not fit for pigs'

Told you so. Wonder how much RBKC has contributed to this? Makes you wonder about our legal system eh?

''The Honourable David Gifford Leathes Prior, Tory-Toff and chair of the CQC is back at work. Following his hip-op (private) he's legged it back and is already putting his foot in it.

The Telegraph's NHS Talthybius, Laura Donnely, writes; the boss of the flat-earthers told her, "The elderly and vulnerable were failed by... (the CQC)... set up to protect them, because it feared legal threats from owners of care homes..."

In a nut-shell Prior claims the CQC 'failed' because it accepted legal advice to duck taking care homes to court in case they lost. "There have been... cases where... inspectors have felt there was a very strong case and would like to have taken action but were advised to back off by... legal advice." read more

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