20 Aug 2014

Lovely Sean Ryan, Judith and Margaret Jack 'NO CONCERNS AT ALL, Liz IS A GREAT MUM - THEY HAVE A GREAT BOND' etc - in courts to 1999 (supported by Montreal specialist in Autism) - the good, the bad and the VERY Ugly social workers - part 9901+8*

I am enclosing self-explanatory documents for the court.

In short;

1. I am unable, due to opposition from father and SSD to have meaningful contact with my son, although I would easily and happily have full time residence of him, he is a placid and easy child to care for and was never a problem for me, I was a problem for him for a brief while due to my mothers death - please see letter attached.

I do not wish to be involved in any assessments that are not completely impartial (I would agree to an independent psychological assessment if required) I have no faith whatsoever in CAFCASS therefore unless substantial contact is offered, I have to relinquish my parental responsibility for the similar reasons as the local authority - I am unable to exercise my responsibility and I do not believe my son to be at all safe with his father and that the Local Authority have not been fair or just in any way toward me or my parenting.

My son and myself ARE bitterly betrayed by the system.

I do not wish to be part of any proceedings as they are apparently only biased in favour of staff making money from the misery of innocent families, especially innocent parties like myself and son, who would be healthy and happy together instead we have had our lives all but destroyed by the cafcass, ssd's and family courts.

In fact to be forced to face Sandra Reid Hardly or any CAFCASS would make me violently ill due to the massive and grave injustice they have brought upon my family and others - I refuse to be part of this horrible 'circus' apparently made to do nothing but be made to profit from children in danger and to harm the innocent, to me these courts are incapable of giving fair justice that Britain was once famous for and the justice my father and millions of good men and women fought for.

The way we've been treated is a complete disgrace in my view and in the view of numerous others.

thank you for your time.

Yours sincerely

sw5 9ba


25TH August 2009

Dear Sam

Please forward to Moira and tell her that The People OPPOSE 'Common Purpose'


19 August 2009

Dear Mr.Myers

Thank you for the reply.

I am informed the ICO is investigating.

I would be grateful if you would cease 'stonewalling' others and
accusing people of being 'vexatious' if they have the temerity to
complain about awful abusive and neglectful treatment from RBKC as
I have experienced as a disabled person.

You are aware my child is placed with someone who has convictions
of heroin dealing, multiple episodes of criminal violence,
drink-driving x4 convictions and several injunctions for violence
and stalking against women and men (he used to call me up to 80
times a night and followed me anywhere I went) -and so on - and
that in the 8 and half years my son resided-healthily and happily-
with me, then with RBKC support (Sean Ryan, Judith and Margaret
BOND' etc) in courts to 1999, that not one penny of CSA came from
the father, despite his several jobs with Mr.Harler of Draycott
Place (Chelsea) and his jobs with a Motorcycle shop in Fulham Road
as well as ferrying motorcycles to and from France in a HGV- he was
in receipt - from his own words- of £400-600 PW - Mr.Harler had to
sack him due to his abuse- yet still claimed benefits from RBKC for
rent and council tax throughout all that work, as well as DWP
benefits-yet not paid a penny in Child Support in the entire eight
and three quarter years my son resided -happily- with me. IN FACT

Three times your SSD required the father to attend for
psychological assessments, and he resisted due to his mental health
hallucinations that 'he see's the devil' and the 'devil tells him
what to do' - in March this year the Legal Dept and SSD informed me
they were discharging a care-order - with directions the original
judge made ignored- for example to test the father for drug
abuse-and still not bothered discharging it, this is due to them
being unable to enforce the order with non co-operation from the
father-refusing me contact also- claiming I would be
'inconsistent'- they also refuse to enforce contact for myself with
apparent sheer malice told me ''we are not going to recommend
contact for you'' with Mr.Taylor (*the NLP 'independent' social
worker and his masses of male supporters at RBKC who seem to tend
to enjoy ganging up and bullying people such as Simon Tyler-
previous director of Equal People KC, my previous advocate) also
claiming I will be complaining 'for ever' and failing to see my
arguments with them are divorced from my parenting- Mr.Taylor is
probably correct- until my son is safe and free from abuse and
until I am convinced he is not being abused now- I will remain
voicing my view as well as others will- especially whilst the SSD
and the government continue to treat me as a criminal when courts
have only ever praised my parenting, apart from one person called
Nina Lehmann whom accused me of causing my sons autism - her
evidence was not accepted in that regard- as you may know. The
Judge - DJ Moorehouse- had much kept from her regarding the violent
history of the father and at that time (during thr case)
particularly - and she recommended 'substantial overnight contact'
for myself and son - in 2002 (see LSC paper attached) - yet your
SSD and legal have maliciously ignored the judges' original
recommendations and instead fought with me using rude, bitter
arguments, causing whispering hate-campaigns- e.g two of my
neighbours have physically and verbally attacked me and Libby Blake
wrote a letter informing 'all local services have been informed to
ignore you and not to help you' (the services or charities - have
subsidies from RBKC and don't want to lose funding as did the great
Advocacy Service KCAA) Ms.Blake informed all services to ignore me
and not to action any request I made-the list goes on - constantly
- almost constant abuse and neglect I've endured, and I do suffer
terrible worry for my vulnerable child, who is unable to speak and
remains in nappies aged 16- recently left for AN ENTIRE YEAR year
without a communication device that a SENDIST Tribunal ordered.
That is unforgivable, keeping my 'mute' or non-verbal sons ONLY
electronic communication device away from him when he can't speak?
For a YEAR? What are you thinking?

Since 2002 RBKC have treated me like a criminal when the real
criminals are abusing the people they should be helping - which
leaves a very strange case - the misused NLP training (and whatever
other [] training )of your staff used by many including Brett
Taylor and others, make colleagues very aggressive and act horribly
rudely, anyone else acting that way could be arrested for
hate-crime - it is unwarranted and frightening- this very peculiar
behaviour is well noted and recorded by many- your council is a
disgrace in this regard and whomever has trained SSD and Legal
staff in the last ten years should be completely ashamed and
sacked, even Mr.Dyer (Special Needs Officer) made false allegations
spread on an RBKC email/memo that I am 'extremely mentally ill' and
justified this telling me and RBKC that I am 'agoraphobic'.

Whatever my diagnosis, it is not your business, there is disability
law and ours are not not your lives to play with and terrorise as
RBKC has done, terrorised my life and that of my son.

I complained to Jane Dykins (complaints officer then) in 2000 that
RBKC were harassing me to the point of causing me extreme stress to
the point of Actual Bodily Harm.

I have had no apologies at all, quite the reverse- I have had
nothing but contempt from the SSD and Anne Lehane (legal)- for
simply asking for respite when my mother passed away in 2001 -I
lost my son for all those years to his maniac father supported by
RBKC- and no justice since- how dare you treat good people in this

How dare you leave vulnerable children at risk in this way?

Who told you that was right? That's why we're looking at who is
training RBKC and your staff.

I hold you personally accountable (with other RBKC staff) should
any harm come to my son or his sister, and other questions in my
original missive remain unanswered, so yes the ICO is investigating
as are other parties, they won't stop until we get the truth-

I am happy to speak with you if it would help anything.

Yours faithfully,

Liz (Lucy) Robillard

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