1 Oct 2014

For Doctors Prescribing Benzodiazepines

Mother 4 Justice - Elizabeth Robillard blogs and shares truth and information

23 Sept 2014

22 Sept 2014

Reggae greats of the 1960/70s some of the best reggae tunes ever

Mother 4 Justice - Elizabeth Robillard blogs and shares truth and information

Beats Instrumentals For You. Hot and Fresh.

Mother 4 Justice - Elizabeth Robillard blogs and shares truth and information

Bob Marley - Satisfy My Soul (Tradução)

Mother 4 Justice - Elizabeth Robillard blogs and shares truth and information

Lion Reggae - Luna (Tierra - 2012)

Mother 4 Justice - Elizabeth Robillard blogs and shares truth and information

9 Sept 2014

6 Sept 2014

Tina Charles - I love to love 1976 - Tina was 'a student' at skool - (the big girls)

Crazy, annoyed, Irish sheep

'Treehouse' (quite a few of these)

Dear Liz 

Many thanks for your call regarding Treehouse. 

I've been in touch with Treehouse who have assured me that all staff at are subject to CRB checking by law. The reference in their Ofsted report was to an outstanding trustee and they have assured me that this has now been rectified. I understand someone from Treehouse will be in touch with you to confirm this 

I hope this is all useful 

Best wishes 

Pamela Shaw
Campaign Officer

Every Disabled Child Matters

National Children's Bureau

8 Wakley Street

London EC1V 7QE

Direct Line: 020 7843 6318

Fax: 020 7843 6313 


Probity from Sir Malcolm Rifkind - credit where it's due

> Wednesday 14 July 2010

> Dear Syed Kamall, Marina Yannakoudakis, Claude Moraes, Sarah Ludford,
> Gerard Batten, Charles Tannock, Jean Lambert and Mary Honeyball,

> Please enforce that the EU adhere to the 
> Human Rights Charter (1948 ++) and please put it to the EU to outlaw
> the viewing of child pornography unless you are a police detective
> actively tracking offenders who have left images there on the
> internet/ISP- this is in order to prevent more child abuse in order to
> please a repulsive market? Currently it is legal to view, but not to
> download, clearly this is plainly wrong. 

> I'd be very grateful if you would kindly understand the pain of
> children being tortured right now so brevity is much appreciated.Each
> moment to those children must seem an eternity. 

> There are no counter arguments that hold water.

> Thank you for your kind and generous time. 

> Yours sincerely,

> Elizabeth Lucye Robillard

> cc. Daniel Hannan, Sir Rifkind, Childrens Rights (various) 


Cc: Linda Wade <cllr.wade@rbkc.com>, Laurence Marcus <tvhlm@hotmail.com>

without prejudice

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WITHOUT PREJUDICE  Monday 23rd May 2011  Dear Miss Lehane Sorry to have to write this as I'm sure it's not all your fault.  The complaints below are not exhaustive. They are an example.  The SRA have requestesd evidence to support my email below (pardon the typos, my eyes are bad and not got correct spectacles)  so I would appreciate, for the sake of brevity, your confirming a simple 'yes' or 'no' from you please- on confirmation of either I will provide the relative information regarding your conduct, as explained, to the SRA though I am aware there is more than 'professional conduct' and that in my view, far more serious charges should be brought due to the case being hindered by my not having access to the hearing as all lawyers knew (eg the video link breaking down giving me no access, a ten day hearing (?!)) The judge suggesting unsupervised contact (evidence attached) but instead your cutting contact gradually despite Jamies' dad being a danger to himself and others (you kept his death of a young child, Cosmo Steele, drink-driving, heroin dealing, violence, and so on from DJ Moorehouse)  lots of other things and oddities associated and noted but not  all your fault.  As you're aware, Anne Marie Wilson (social workers) and Jamma Ummoja put a report to the court  - that among other things stated I was 'self diagnosed' that I had 'diagnosed my son' and so on. I have the cases from 1992 (Wandsworth) evidence I can send to the SRA but that wasn't your fault or conduct. More recently you, my sons social worker (Fay Wright) and the school have neen hanging up the telephone on me accusing me of being rude. You persited in claiming I was refusing therapy which was a blatant untruth (see GP letter attached, since then I have had an apology from head of PCT - Patricia Wright- due to my medical records of 10 + years being mixed in with othwer peoples (x4) Your legal department confirm you have no legal rights over my son but neither do I? Yet he attends Treehouse who refuse to send me updates and also hang up the phone despite my grave concern that Jamie has been seen beaten up and is running away from there?  I have also heard that a court order was made that discharged the care order where I was not represented and unable to self-represent. That due to the fathers' decision of no-contact, you support this. Never once - either, was it disclosed that Jamies dad worked as an auditor for RBKC many years ago either.  I remind you my very learning disabled son is 18, in nappies, running away from school and missing his mother and that could be your fault Miss Lehane.  I would so truly love to know why you could hate my son so very much as to deprive him of his mum? Have you ever thought for a second how HE must feel? Losing his mother and being unable to express his grief? It's sadistic and nothing less.  You left my son with a violent rapist who has delusions he is 'the son of satan' ( 'PAS' is not an issue here- I could never speak badly about anyone in front of a child - the accusations against me have reflected on those issuing them, you included.) I never refused contact to the father, I wish I had.  You had social workers harassing me to the extent I had to call Jane Dykins (her evidence kept out of court) and complain of actual bodily harm - in short you set me up and harassed me whilst I was fragile, in order to have my child taken, you kept Miss Lindsteads letter out of court (attached for the SRA) that is called conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and that is the truth no matter how much you matters are twisted you part in this horrirific act of harm against good people is fact,  you deliberately misrepresented to judges and you know it.  You know what you've done and what you are responsible for and it's not anything but conspiracy to pervert the course of justtice and willingingly commiting perjury  by-proxy via your instructuion to other professionals, at least by neglect of duty of care you did so.                     That is FACT and you know it too well. - you have destroyed the lives and decimated a child and his mother for reasons unknown to me -in 1999 Sean Ryan and other social workers (same LA) appeared in court to SUPPORT me and my parenting, I won that hearing - the history was well known then- what was so changed 18 months later? I went from 'a fantastic mother', given an RO after 6 odd years of hearings - to   someone the court made an order against? Despite MY having called the LA in emergency and emergency services NOT REPSONDING so leaving me with no option but to call the police on Jne 10 2001? A few months after my own mother had died PLUS - so much more that you are aware of. You have destroyed  the lives of of annocent child, such a sweet lovely lad, and an innocent good mother and you KNOW very well what you have done. You wonder why I have been upset?   Do you want me to send the SRA everything, all the reports? Was it you who directed Laurie AAvadis (childrens solicitor) to not visit mother (me) but only the father? That is a separate complaint though. An extreme bias that should have been heard in a court.  Please see emails below for now, and LSC paper from Rosemary Parrat plus letter from Jennifer lindstead, I thanks.  A judge claimed I 'deteriorated' between 1999 and 2001 as a parent, why was that? That is the crime we need unfold, the lack of care-plans despite my disabilities, the demands of Tim O'Neill (social worker) that my son 'could not have respite unless it was over-night' and so on. Jane Dykins correspondence and the rest. You are well aware of it Miss Lehane, you have badly hurt my child and almost killed me too.  Yours sincerely E.C.Lucy  296a sw5 9ba anne.lehane@rbkc.gov.uk date    Sat, May 26, 2007 at 14:04 subject    Re; Discharge of Care Order James Jones mailed-by    hotmail.co.uk      hide details 5/26/07      CWDT SS rbkc LONDON W10 VIA EMAIL 26th May 2007 Discharge of Care Order- your letter (copy attached) TO; Peter Woodhead and Erika Endlien Jamies' spine was covered in bruising at last contact, please explain, this is the second time I have seen this, Jamie is 14, in nappies and cannot speak, I need an explanation please. Thank you for your letter regarding discharge of the order. The letter is groundless in its 'evidence' as to reasons why not to discharge, there is nothing to suport the arguments at all eg I have not even spoken to Mr. Jones for ten years and (without malice, just stating fact) he is (according to records)  the violent, drug-addicted lunatic that has -recorded by your department-abused children as well as women - your department and police had his daughter Maxine on the 'at risk' register and a child died in his care, Cosmo Steele. I do not understand your reasoning and would appreciate further enlightenment as it appears you are blaming me for something that does not exist regarding Mr.Jones? As you know- and forgive me asking again and again, but what is the reason you want me to have therapy? If it's as you say, all about Mr.Jones being a good father, and me causing problems, evidence of this is required now (within 7 days please) due to possible private proceedings of defamation against you) and please refer me to which expert decided I need therapy and for what. As all I can see is that you are demanding therapy as a way of trying to find things that do not exist anywhere. I refer you back to findings of fact of DJ Moorhouse and subsequent advice in LSC document to apply for 'substantial overnight contact'this is the judgement I appeal and base all/any applications. FYI I am agoraphobic due to no justice from UK courts for my son or self for 6 years, you are falsley accusing me of nothing, and keeping my son from me because of nothing you can name with any grounds at all? The abuse and neglect of the local authority and terror of Mr.Jones cause my agoraphobia, and that's it. Mr.Jones got away with rape, abuse, avoiding seeing a psychiatrist due to him thinking he is 'son of the devil' and afraid rightly afraid his medical history would be used against him (check his medical records from the army)  etc all types of violence, and this has left me housebound, despite his 18 month (suspended at my request) prison sentence regarding beating me up which did nothing to stop his behaviour,however I am learning self-defence and hopefully this will help. I am very sad this letter puts us again in a position where I have to fight forever for justice and to see my son as there appears to be no reason or common sense behind your departments arguments, and this does leave ordinary people like me and my friends, really concerned for the qualificatiosn of social workers and the secrecy of family courts- your real reasons for keeping so many secrets etc and demanding weird things -and sadly I dont believe Jamie is safe or cared for by this authority and that your particular department is completley erroneous in this matter and I can only hope that eventually a true expert will see the errors the department is and has made before another child comes to harm, and more families torn apart and suffer due to these negligences- I believe- grave errors and negligence on the part of the department is to blame, and if a judge had the time to sift through all the padding that your dept has so successfully (so far) managed in producing by way of covering-up fact and in my opinion, criminal activity on your part, especially when one does look at the actual evidence, not hearsay, it is frightening as to how easily children are left at risk, and unnecessarily without their good parent/s. Sadly I can never see recovery for mu=yself whilst your unreasonavle demands and my not being able to bear the insjutice, so having to fight you, is rendering me ill for life, however, it wont stop me trying to get someone to listen to the simple truth yours sincerely E.C.Lucy