- Drewc AshEmail it all to us if you can . . .thelastdetective@unseen.is The more stuff you can send the better. Feel free to post links to blogs, etc on the group
- Hermes JusticeI need to talk to you in person - there could be lots mssing - lots evidence on blog tonsI lost 15 computers Bill
- Drewc AshWe will talk soon
- Hermes Justice15 computerssoon? Suffering right now, try your best, I have names, many names
- Drewc AshEmail as much as you can to us the email i sent u is secure as server is in iceland
- Hermes JusticeI've said all I can, I need to talk to you, if you can't then something is weird. I have friends in Police and ITVERY senior
- Drewc AshWhat has that to do with anything??