Showing posts with label Francis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Francis. Show all posts

7 Nov 2014

Italian love - Thomas A and Shaolin Philosophy = simplez - *Shaolin Catholic* speakz

I was in bed thinking of Italy and weeping at its incredibly undervalued beauty - all those wonderful, artful, beautiful, kind and loving Italians - the art, the landscapes, the architecture, the hills, the engineering the history -* the  cooking* (ohhhh yessss) - but do they understand Thomas Aquinas? The nice, beautiful saint, born in the inimitable, untouchable, stunning - Naples (like so many of my favourite people) Do they comprehend what (lost translations considered (?))Thomas deduced from Aristotle's view of 'communis'?
Have they read (and more importantly, understood) R.C. Sproul Jr. on this topic?

Was our saint - abused as a child? So many good people are motivated by not only virtuosity - but by justice, social justice. Laveyan's are driven by guilt and injustice. Saint's are driven by good either due to good (not 'special') blood - or any combination of above, but not by guilt. Guilt is for those who do shame and shame is for the wicked and wicked belongs in humour and nowhere else. All good folks know this. All of us are sinners and must do penance for it and god is our judge, so bless us miserable sob's dear Lord and above all, love Italy and the Pope. He's a good man is Francis, do not doubt this Pope too much, but remember, as a man, he is fallible- and consider this: Remember that Shaolin philosophy isn't written about as cat's and dogs, owls and rabbits, mice and ants, don't write books. Just remember, you are important due to your associations, but you are only special to your close ones.

Peace and Love. Elizabeth Lucye Robillard

8 Oct 2014

Bible Origin and a Message

1. Jesus was the SON of God. Just like you are a child of his/hers. He wasn't saying 'I am special and deserve the one big daddy all to myself'. You too are the sons and daughters of God.

2. Jesus was a messenger of God and wanted you to hear the messages and truths of God. Sadly, in translation, lots of the original Ancient Sanskrit/Hebrew/Greek (and other, discard ancient Latin when seeking origins as it's a translation written by lots of different people, remember that)

3. Remember that is is never the fault of churches when they are deliberately infiltrated by damaged Lavayans who are paedophiles out to target children and funds. Help the church improve its intelligence. I'm backing Pope Francis.

Also consider that

a.The events in the Bible happened long before they were writ and that much of the original texts have been lost but quite a lot remain (see archaeology) 

b.The words of God are about seeking truth, light and being good to your family and your neighbours.

c. Everyone is unique, even identical twins

Atheists are often Laveyan (arm yourself with how Laveyans work, and why they do it) and know (and respect) that some evil often has a purpose (to correct and to inform) and never confuse 'light' with 'Satan' - and 'Lucifer' actually means 'light' not darkness (never allow a Satanist to twist things either, argue with them, point by point and calmly note their arguments) Note that 'Lucifer' does not translate to 'Satan' either, not at all, not in origin. Note Lucifarian practice. Never confuse this, too many have and caused much harm, that is the work of Laveyans) 

How to deal with atheists - using Science! (Always! Hindu scientists are lovely) *Remember that patience is your best friend, be well and remember my friend Michael's' thoughts (and mine too) 'God is a morphing and changing thing that is the collective love from people, love moves around. transforms, adapts, love is its own entity' typa thing.

6 Oct 2014

Conservatives rearing heads - 'Bas relief' has many meanings

(insider that one) have a look (origins of Bas relief, earliest racists) origins of the Bible get funner all the time, Catholic conservatives know

'Babylonian bas-reliefs and Assyrian wall drawings point to very early swimming skills among humans. The most ancient and famous of drawings depicting men swimming are to be found in the Kebir desert. They are estimated to be about 6,000 years old. The Nagoda bas-relief also has paintings of swimmers that date back some 5,000 years.
Many of the ancient drawings and paintings come from what is now Italy. The oldest date back 2,600 years, belonging to the Etruscans at Tarquinia. An ancient tomb in Greece depicts swimming and diving scenes and dates back 2,500 years'  but can you depend on the Latin sources? Some think not. I dunno, I reckon my pal Francis would know (Bless him) - A fitting song