14 Nov 2014

Fibromyalgia - CFS - You got wormz!! - letter to Lord Freud

Dear Lord Freud,

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Hello.  I hope this finds you well.

In 2011 you said:

    'The use of external speakers, other Atos learning events such as
clinical conferences rely on the use of external speakers. Trainees are
updated on biomedical scientific developments for CFS and fibromyalgia
that are relevant to disability assessment by accessing the sources
provided in the learning set and by use of other training products
relating to CFS and fibromyalgia, which are...
Written Answers — House of Lords: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic
Encephalomyelitis (26 April 2011)

    Lord Freud: The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) recognises
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and fibromyalgia as real and potentially
significantly disabling conditions. Where a clinical diagnosis of CFS
or fibromyalgia has been made, full account will be taken of their
disabling effects. The term "functional" in the training module refers
to the effect of a condition on a perso' []

I have since discovered since that parasite infections cause all the
symptoms of both illnesses, also causes Lymphedema/Elephantitis.

I wonder if you'd be so kind, to investigate why the NHS only tests for
50 types of parasite when there are over 1000? Also we are not using
all the methods that the rest of world is using - please see the WHO on

It seems to me that parasite cleanses are a large part of the future of
medicine and health regimes, vaccines could be useful too.

Please thoroughly  question the NHS on this topic?

Yours sincerely,

Elizabeth Lucye Robillard, CEO Robillard Group London

13 Nov 2014

Assange Rape - was it? Two sides to every story has been the story of my life due to suffering from jealousy and NPD undermining - Angela has a point or two but what about...

Mother 4 Justice - Elizabeth Robillard blogs and shares truth and information

I know better than to doubt the miliatry - often people are misinformed and lied to by people mucnhing sour grapes - anyway 

I think Julian Assange is a rapist. I still like Wikileaks.

Trigger warning for rape
If what his own defence lawyers say is true, Julian Assange is a rapist.
He described Assange as penetrating one woman while she slept without a condom, in defiance of her previously expressed wishes, before arguing that because she subsequently “consented to … continuation” of the act of intercourse, the incident as a whole must be taken as consensual.
In the other incident, in which Assange is alleged to have held a woman down against her will during a sexual encounter, Emmerson offered this summary: “[The complainant] was lying on her back and Assange was on top of her … [she] felt that Assange wanted to insert his penis into her vagina directly, which she did not want since he was not wearing a condom … she therefore tried to turn her hips and squeeze her legs together in order to avoid a penetration … [she] tried several times to reach for a condom, which Assange had stopped her from doing by holding her arms and bending her legs open and trying to penetrate her with his penis without using a condom. [She] says that she felt about to cry since she was held down and could not reach a condom and felt this could end badly.”

 Read more 

............having posted that, I read a post by the always interesting - Angela Grant,  who has a lot to say - thank goodness (I like women who scream opinions - it's refreshing) she writes:

'Dear  Mr Zuckerberg: I write this note as a plea to your sense of community and desire for justice as well as a better future for ALL of humanity. Please give my Facebook page unlimited Free promotion:  https://www.facebook.com/Failuretolisten Why?  You have the power to help small alternative media pages grow in popularity. Helping your customer […]

Emotional Abuse is worse than beatings, worse than rape, worse than broken bones - why?

Mother 4 Justice - Elizabeth Robillard blogs and shares truth and information

Emotional abuse creates a negative and sick character, it creates addictions, mental illness, suicide, weakness and disability, often for life.

  When you undermine, devalue and terrify the weak and vulnerable, you create problems for the world as well as making a heavy burden on the good taxpayers who need to fund mental health services.

 It's in the interest of all, to ensure that all children are listened to, respected and encouraged to follow paths that they find reinforcing and useful, as long as there's no harm in it.

 There's a great new 'global' generation coming, of children of the digital age, who won't understand the abuses of the past as we do, they will understand NPD and abuse and want to help.

Meantime - it's vital for all sufferers of NPD abusers to support each other and find each other - NPD's and psychopaths have hurt billions of people.

It's  time to help the rest of the world recover from them. Just do not get the diagnosis wrong. Good luck to all good people who have suffered NPD abuse and who are actively assisting the weak with their exceptional insight, like Sam Vaknin does. 

Mother Justice is busy with the BBC

Mother 4 Justice - Elizabeth Robillard blogs and shares truth and information

Email foi@bbc.co.uk

Information Policy & Compliance


Dear Sir Madam

Please supply me with the names of accountants and auditors working
for/with and including those who have worked with 'BBC Media Action'
and 'BBC Children in Need' in the last five years.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely

Elizabeth Lucye Robillard

12 Nov 2014

Royals - how guilty are they? CSA Inquiry note

We've established that apparently lovely people - Rolf Harris comes to mind - can do bad and stupid  things when they are unaware of the true facts. The Queen has worked indefatigably for Britain and her allies , since she was a child. My mother loved her, and we all grew up, loving the Queen. Prince Charles is RAF. Hard to fault anyone involved in the RAF. Anne has always been a great advocate for good. I don't know enough about the rest to pass any proper opinion. Like everyone else, I hope there is no Royal guilty of having raped a child. I think it's silly to implicate Price Charles - as lots have online - when clearly he was of the belief that he was helping a charitable man when he allowed Savile to entertain the family. I bet it was simply to promote his own agenda, to be seen with Royals allowed him access to vulnerable children. Savile cared nothing for young people, the good deeds were a conduit and a cover. He was all about exploiting and abusing. Not the man we liked to see make dreams come true on Jim'll fix it. We all looked forward to that show. It was nice to see kids being heard and treated and rewarded, credit where it's due.  I hope the kindness of the good Royal shines through and that the good Royals - who are innocent - are as patient and helpful as they are bound to be. I'm sure they are.  Sometimes, you have to do things because they are more important than you or your ego. We all love a libertarian Britain and we don't want to lose our liberty, our poetry and are love for each other - because - we do Love each other here in Britain - we believe in showing it in ways that we can and sometimes that means doing things a bit quietly and a bit hidden - which is police work really - get it right - cuz we must - for the sake of the bigger pictures. So anyway - have faith - people are trying to do their best and the best don't get paid well .

'bengal cat talking to her kitten - ORIGINAL' After me 'we can't eat animals, they're like us ' we have to at least cut down a lot'

Mother 4 Justice - Elizabeth Robillard blogs and shares truth and information

10 Nov 2014

My New Creation - Introducing Delucye - The British Tablet


Bloodline of Jesus Christ

Been studying the bloodline. Looks like - from all accounts - that Luci-fer (meaning 'Light-Fire') was the name of the 'light' angel that impregnated the Virgin Mother. The reason he 'fell' was that he gave Mary the Christ Child. Falling stars. Falling light angels. The angel could have been an alien - perhaps God was light and thus named after light? See ancient Greek texts, Hindu Mythology and ancient Hebrew texts and remember bad Latin translations as well as Chinese whispers. Our bloodline, is very authentic.

POLTERGEIST - bleeding walls in Kensington in London

iframe width 459 height 344 src https://www.youtube.com/embed/W1oLw6l4wt0 frameborder 0 allowfullscreen> /iframe>

Mother 4 Justice - Elizabeth Robillard blogs and shares truth and information

ID Cards - a request for a pilot in Kensington

On this day of remembrance - ID cards would be welcomed here, as they are in Europe and in the USA - let's DEFEND - not fight

                                             Monday 10 November 2014

Dear Fenella Aouane,

Welcome to my home, I trust this finds you well and look forward to
working with you.

Could we try an emergency  pilot scheme for ID cards in the Borough due
to the arrests of several suspected terrorists locally recently?

I believe, and have always believed, that ID cards would be of enormous
benefit in reducing crime and preventing mass murder, trafficking and
other horror and believe we must now act as if an emergency is at hand.

 I hope you agree and in order to maintain eminent sense , could we
please have an online consultation service for residents, it need cost
nothing st all but a half an hour to set up (happy to advise, gratis) -
all taxpayers invited to urgently participate in security information
and forum input for the safety and security of the neighbourhood.

From my blog of yesterday:

' On this day of remembrance - ID cards would be welcomed here, as they
are in Europe and in the USA - let's DEFEND - not fight

I think it was 2008-10 when I petitioned the government to introduce ID
cards- at the time, oddly,  Harriet Harman was the only one making any
sense in this area - the cards would out paedophiles and criminals
galore - let's help our police and other services today and introduce
ID cards for residents of less than 8 years.

That way we can ID where the worst offenders are and detect what
they've been up to. We need to do this 10 years ago - would have saved
lives and helped everyone good.

Sadly - it only serves corruption and criminals not to have them at
this time. Let's get them in overnight - and review them in four-five
years - for the sake of YOUR security - let's say YES to ID (as the
no's argument holds no water at all, not when implemented in this way)

  Number 10 are aware they are coveting criminals with their hedge
funds and illegal spending - UKIP will put this right -

meantime, I sent this to Larry at LBC just now:

'Hi Larry, great show - ID cards- the government have removed my
petition to introduce ID cards - from 2010 - my friend Marlene from
California - was the only person to sign it - now - people would sign
in droves - the thing is - people who have been resident here for over
8 years, need not carry a card - it is reason and logic - thanks, Liz

Please see me on Linkedin.

Yours sincerely,

Elizabeth Lucye Robillard , Robillard Group London & UKIP Kensington

Emergency Help Needed for Scottish Children

Monday 10 November 2014

Dear Lord Adonis,

I trust this finds you well, your good work speaks for itself. thank

I'd like to draw your attention to a very disturbing lack of service in

Children are reported as being born but not being registered and being
abused and killed for 'snuff' movies, that are naturally causing much
mental anguish across the board.

See the Daily Record of today's date

I am developing an NGO that serves only to promote and supply software
and hardware to disabled children in care - visit us here

I would appreciate your emergency input and to treat this matter of
lack of registration of newborns and lack of services as a first

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Elizabeth Lucye Robillard

The greatest story EVER told - why I despise NLP - and what Richard Bandler has done to liberty and the west

The western services have broadly and largely used NLP training in the last twenty years or more. What has it done to us? It's brought us hate, it's brought us greed, it's brought us misery - it's brought injustice, it's brought evil, it's brought ugly hearts, it's brought bad government and mass abuse - it's brought evil.

It's brought 'ego over merit' as a goal to success and jackboot over humanity. it's horrible.

Read about Bandier here, you may form an opinion that admires but distances from a man who was abused and terrified as a child and felt the need to control the entire world - and almost managed it.

Miscarriage of Justice

Mother 4 Justice - Elizabeth Robillard blogs and shares truth and information

(To Met Police - 2007)
further to my call of yesterday requesting your support to help me get a GP ( I a presently suffering a dangerous illness and being refused help from the PCT & ex GP no reason given) I have just heard the same PCT has closed funding on 'KCAA" (Kensington and Chelsea Advocacy Alliance) and am hurt but not surprised at what appears to be the act of an unscrupulous group of people working within RBKC and the PCT responsible for Kensington and parts of Chelsea; Unscrupulous due to their way of bringing things about. 
Protecting the boroughs' reputation is one thing, but becoming corrupt to do it is another, and sadly, corruption is what appears to be happening in some quarters of RBKC. RBKC used to a friendly kind and noble place to live, i have been here for 40 years. Now it is terrifying, with, in my view, heartless planning departments, and secretive rotten social work departments.
I wonder sir, if the social services have, for example, told you that my ex husband, the cause of me being housebound in terror, has our mute son, supported by social services, despite them knowing
1. [] [] extremely violent nature (convictions galore) 2. A child has died in this mans' care (Cosmo Steele, aged four 'cot death') 3. He has a daughter of aged 9 yrs whom was on the 'at risk' register for abuse from him 4. The same daughter diagnosed as autistic as a baby
Please see attached a brief glimpse of records.
My son was taken by police at my request in June 2001 because I was grieving my mothers' death- funny how social workers pick on women whose mothers' 
have just died?
1. I put my son into care voluntarily FACT
2. There was no care plan in place despite my requests, despite us both 
being disabled
3. Social Services are to blame for neglect of duty of care
4.Social Services are to blame for slandering and libelling me and causing 
me extreme ill health,
I look forward to hearing from you sir,
yours sincerely,
Elizabeth Lucy aka Elizabeth Robillard

9 Nov 2014

Kate Bush - got some stalkers for you lolz x (LOVE THE NEW ALBUM!!!) Pitchfork preview

 Listen to the Kate Bush new album here

Hope our music goddess votes UKIP - I think she will x