Showing posts with label solution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label solution. Show all posts

15 Dec 2014

Tooth Health and Depression - solutions

Mother writes: Tooth Health and Depression - solutions help

Mother 4 Justices says: Your teeth may need help when suffering from depression plus dentists can cost a lot, and dental treatment can also seem like something 'other world' people do.

 When you're depressed and feeling defeated or devalued by poor mental health services (too common) or depressed in any way, it can be hard to even face teeth brushing.

 The thing that puts some people off is 'it takes two minutes to do it properly, why bother'? *Bleeding gums can also signal illness.

So here is what you can do until you can consider a visit to the dentist: Buy some food grade hydrogen peroxide, and a baby toothbrush - these are soft and won't irritate tender gums so much - use for only as long as you can stand and brush gently - then use your mouthwash.

 Mix your peroxide with water. Use a few teaspoons of it to half a cup of water or measure as per the bottle instructions. You can make a cup and leave it on the side as a mouthwash, just remember never to swallow it as it's pretty bad if you do, make you very sick. So ensure just to swill and spit this as often as three times a day, or less if you can't handle it.

Do what you can do, not what you can't.

 It helps to restructure your teeth too f you make another (separate cup)  mix of bicarbonate of soda and sea salt (which can now be bought cheaply) and to mix about two teaspoons of each in some warm water (until dissolves, you can melt it in hot water and let it cool) and rinse with this after the hydrogen peroxide, this will help stem gum disease (or bleeding gums) and help prevent  tooth decay.

Recent research brings us Ultra Sound to regrow teeth something many will be very happy about.

 Liz Lucye Robillard has a certificate in Nutrition and studied Behaviourism for 8 yrs.

picture from RawritsCarol of Deviantart