Showing posts with label HUMAN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HUMAN. Show all posts

19 Nov 2014


Ward is having a tough day 'I have believed since the early 1970s that there is no such thing as Human Rights, and no self-respecting human should expect them. It is, let's face it, typical of Homo sapiens to award himself inalienable rights: one tedious species (only in existence on one tiny speck of the Universe because a random meteor killed all the dinosaurs) deserves rights? What tosh.
I don't mean by this that the mass slaughter of Jews, the mentally ill, Greeks, Turks, Ibos, Sikhs, Catholics and Russian dissidents is fine and dandy. I just find it odd that a species capable of doing such things in the first place thinks it deserves rights. We deserve to be tarred for our inhuman rites, not awarded human rights.
If we face the facts of history, the idea of any rights - legal, constitutional, democratic, libertarian, suffrage, privacy or whatever - are so much guff put down on paper by pompous ideologues and useful idiots. As Rome, Napoleon, the American South, Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Islam, Blair and Obama have proved endlessly, it looks binding and good-hearted on paper: but that's all it ever is: hot air converted into holy assertion through the medium of ink.' READ MORE