Showing posts with label Britain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Britain. Show all posts

6 Oct 2014

Rethinking Thomas Piketty

The economy is UKIP's number ONE priority as it supports the health and welfare system that we all hold so dear in Britain, so it was worth noting the post of
'Jason Werpy'
(Posted about 2 months ago) in answer to
'Nick Hanauer': Beware, fellow plutocrats, the pitchforks are coming
I think you were on to a solution, but then you lost the handle talking about teachers and cops. Your initial comment about CEO's not making more than 10X the lowest paid employees has nothing to do with minimum wage, it is about MAXIMUM wage. But the key great thing about maximum wage is that if the CEO runs his business well, the maximum wage increases as that CEO can share the spoils of success with everyone in the business. A minimum wage no longer is necessary. For public positions, I don't think this is as big of an issue. There is a market for these skills and people pursuing jobs in that market. The administration for schools and police departments rarely come close to making 10x what the regular workers do. So its not really the same thing' source